Supporting Land Conservation in Central MichiganPosted on Published February 17, 2020December 20, 2019 The Chippewa Watershed Conservancy exists to protect and restore Central Michigan’s land, water, and wildlife resources to improve the quality of life for all. The land conservancy owns and manages public nature preserves and offer access to outdoor recreation to our region. They believe that having outdoor spaces for the people of Central Michigan is…
Sea & IvyPosted on Published August 31, 2020November 25, 2019 Sea & Ivy, a digital design brand, was created by Morgan Dufault. Once she decided to become a stay at home mom, Morgan knew she was going to need to find something just for her. She needed something that had nothing to do with her role as a wife or mom, nothing to do with…
Supporting Foster Families in HoustonPosted on Published May 18, 2020November 18, 2019 As of July 2019, there are 2,762 children in the foster system, 678 of which are awaiting adoption in Region 6 of Houston. Hundreds of teenagers age out of the system each year, representing the most vulnerable, marginalized, helpless, and “at-risk” human beings in the city. Fostering Family is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Houston, Texas,…
Blind, Beloved Dog Raises Awareness of Dogs in NeedPosted on Published May 18, 2020October 22, 2019 Sweet little Puddin arrived to the SPCA of Texas with severely infected eyes at 5 to 6 weeks old. She was immediately taken to the vet and it was determined her eyes were causing her a great deal of pain and the infection was so severe it left her completely blind. With her quality of life…
Walking to Raise Money & Awareness for Breast CancerPosted on Published February 17, 2020October 21, 2019 In September 2018, at the age of 33, Liz McCary was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at Prisma Health’s Breast Center in Columbia, South Carolina. Given her advanced diagnosis, she and her husband Luke sought out the best healthcare team and most promising treatment plan. After numerous discussions with oncologists across the Southeast, they determined…
Working to Build Awareness and End Child Sexual AbusePosted on Published February 17, 2020September 9, 2019 Statistically, 1 in 10 children in America will be sexually abused before they turn 18. The unfortunate reality is, every 98 seconds someone has been sexually assaulted and every 10 minutes that someone is a child. But, it doesn’t have to stay that way. It only takes one voice to ignite change. Journey to Heal…
A Father’s Legacy Lives OnPosted on Published February 17, 2020September 9, 2019 Hannah Polk’s father, Jimmy Polk, has been a Texas public school music educator since 1997. His love of music has been contagious to all who knew him and to the thousands of students he impacted over his career. In 2018 he was diagnosed with a very rare, very deadly brain disorder. His condition forced him…
Delaware Moms Advocate for BreastfeedingPosted on Published February 17, 2020September 9, 2019 Breastfeeding Coalition of Delaware is a local non-profit organization that links families and organizations to improve the health of women and childrenwhile being inclusive of diversity. It works collaboratively to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding and serves as an expert voice of breastfeeding information. The coalition wanted to design a shirt that their moms would love as…
China Adoption FundraiserPosted on Published May 18, 2020September 4, 2019 The Brannon Family just brought home their son, JuJu from China, and they are thrilled to have him home! The Brannons are made of Robin, Stephanie, Gabby, Raven, Vada, Una & JuJu. They started their adoption journey in 2018, and finally were able to bring JuJu home this summer. “Adoption is a beautiful mess of…
Leo’s PridePosted on Published September 3, 2019September 3, 2019 At 13 weeks pregnant, Kristine Lovell and her family were given the devastating news that their newest addition, Elliott (Leo) Beau Lovell had a serious heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). HLHS is a severe heart defect in which the left side of the heart is underdeveloped and causes the right side of…
This Family Dreams of their “One Day”Posted on Published May 18, 2020August 30, 2019 During one of their mission trips to Haiti from 2011-2015, Dan and Jen Keeney learned of the saying that goes ‘Yon jou la jou,’ which translates to, ‘One day will be the day’. Since hearing this saying, it’s stuck with them as a beautiful message of hope, a brighter future, and a longing for something…
Family Farm Transforms into Bee SanctuaryPosted on Published August 30, 2019August 20, 2019 Amber R. and Alicia B., of Wild Harvest Honey Farm are working to save the bees any way they can. They’ve been in the process of transforming their family farm into a sanctuary for bees. This farmland has been a part of their family’s story for five generations. Why do Amber and Alicia care about…