Making Faith Wearable

Making Faith Wearable

Rachel Lee was originally designing a Campaign to fundraise for her tuition and studies. When she started the designing process, she realized every design reflected who she is and her identity in Christ. She became hesitant to share the project but then realized this was her opportunity to be bolder about her faith. She decided to make faith more wearable.

“It’s been a crazy few weeks with all the things that happened or is happening in the world today. Everything just becomes so big and problematic. We need the reminder that God is the creator of the universe. Even though his ways are vast and incomprehensible to us, his grace is more.”
– Rachel Lee

Rachel was able to create a design that she feels embodies her as an individual. She made a Bonfire Campaign so that she could share her faith with her friends and family, and as a result, see how supportive her community is!

““Alleluia, O Praise Him” comes from the hymn “All Creatures of Our God and King.” -Rachel