Flea Market Love Letters is a passion project that Liz Maguire started in 2017. Their mission is to digitally archive and preserve found, vintage ephemera (letters, postcards, photos, etc.) often found at flea markets. So far they’ve been able to collect over 400 letters.

Liz always aspired that eventually, this project could give back to the community in some capacity. The Write More Letters Project was created to do exactly that.
In 2020, they launched the Write More Letters Project to raise money and awareness for U.S. veterans and military families who have served our country. To help support their project, they launched a Bonfire Store with a variety of mugs, masks, shirts, and tote bag fundraisers to sell to their community. 100% of the proceeds from their sales will be donated to the Hope For The Warriors charity.

Hope For The Warriors was founded in 2006 and work to ensure comprehensive support programs for service members, veterans, and military families that are focused on transition, health and wellness, peer engagement, and connections to community resources.

“My digital archive of vintage love letters, Flea Market Love Letters, would not be possible without the heroic stories of veterans. It’s so important to me to give back and I love that Bonfire helps me do that safely and securely.“
– Liz Maguire